Mass Spectrometry & Protein Identification

Service Description Faculty Campus Off Campus Academic Corporate
In gel digestion and protein identification Single band $125 $140 $160 $140
On-beads digestion $125 $140 $160 $140
DIA/DDA protrap full proteomics analysis $200 $200 $250 $300
In gel digestion and protein identification
Whole lane
$275 $325 $375 $550
Routine MALDI-TOF molecular weight determination
Sample in solution compatible with MALDI-TOF
$55 $65 $75 $90
Small molecule mass determination $50 $60 $70 $80
Consultation and data analysis $100/hour


Billing Procedures
APM will not deliver any results until we are satisfied that we have all the information that we need in order to bill our clients. Setting things up is normally as easy as contacting your purchasing/procurement department and asking them what you need to do. Problems typically occur only when billing a client for the first time.

University of Alberta Clients
All that we require is that you provide us with an active speedcode at the time of submission.

Canadian Academic Clients
The University of Alberta does not accept credit card payments.
The easiest way for us to bill you is by directly invoicing your institution without you first getting us a purchase order. If this applies to you, we need to have the full contact information of both your laboratory and the person to whom we will be emailing the invoice to. We would then send the invoice to your purchasing contact and cc you on the email.
Some purchasing/procurement departments require their people to acquire a purchase order before they can be invoiced. If that is the case, you will need to request a cost quote from us which you can then use to get a purchase order number.

American Clients
The University of Alberta does not accept credit card payments.
Billing American clients is much the same as with Canadians though there are extra steps that are needed to set up the system with first time users. We ask that you supply us with a purchasing contact and we will work with them to get this done.


For bulk discount orders, Please contact Jack Moore.